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Unleash Your Skills with Valorant's New Agent, Iso

Emanuel Ortegancio
October 19, 2023

{New 'Valorant' Agent Iso Can Trap You In A 1v1 Battle Arena}
Source: Forbes

Riot Games has recently announced the arrival of a new agent, Iso, to their popular game, Valorant. Iso is set to make his debut in Episode 7 Act III, which is scheduled to begin on October 31. As a duelist, Iso brings a unique twist to the game with his ultimate ability.

Meet Iso: The Chinese Fixer for Hire

{Everything We Know About Iso - New Valorant Agent 23}
Source: ESTNN

Iso is described as a Chinese fixer for hire, known for his ability to reconfigure ambient energy to his advantage. This is evident in all of his abilities, which showcase his mastery over manipulating energy. His first ability, Double Tap, allows Iso to enter a flow state, granting him a shield upon killing or damaging downed enemies. Undercut, his second ability, fires a bolt forward, applying a fragile debuff to anything it hits. Lastly, Contingency enables Iso to create a wall of energy and push it forward, effectively blocking any bullets that pass through it.

Precision and Skill: Iso’s Unique Ultimate Ability

{Valorant Episode 7 Act 3: New Agent Iso - All Abilities Explained ...}
Source: IGN

Iso’s ultimate ability, called Kill Contract, takes Valorant gameplay to a whole new level. This ability transports Iso and one of his opponents to an interdimensional arena, which can manifest on any of Valorant’s stages. Once inside the arena, these two players must engage in a duel to the death before one emerges victorious and returns to the main battlefield. This ultimate ability requires precise execution and rewards players with exceptional skill.

The Challenges of Creating Iso’s Ultimate Ability

{Valorant's newest agent can challenge players to duels | Digital ...}
Source: Digital Trends

Creating Iso’s ultimate ability was no easy feat for the development team at Riot Games. John Goscicki, the agents team lead, explained that adding a new environment to every map was a significant undertaking. Additionally, ensuring the ultimate ability’s seamless interaction with the game’s mechanics presented its own set of challenges. The team had to consider various scenarios, such as rogue projectiles colliding with the interdimensional arena or the impact of other agents’ abilities.

Iso’s Arrival in Valorant

{Valorant Reveals Latest Agent As Iso Comes To The Fold}
Source: Bleeding Cool

Valorant players can look forward to the arrival of Iso alongside the start of Episode 7 Act III on October 31. With his unique abilities and ultimate, Iso is sure to bring a fresh and exciting gameplay experience to Valorant. Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to master the art of manipulating energy with Iso.



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