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Google's New AR Glasses: A Glimpse into the Future of Technology

Emanuel Ortegancio
October 21, 2023

{Google opens its latest Google Glass AR headset for direct ...}
Source: The Verge

Google Glass was an early attempt at integrating augmented reality (AR) technology into spectacles, but it failed to leave a lasting impact. However, recent discoveries suggest that Google is once again exploring this product category.

Project Iris: AI-Powered AR Spectacles

{Google will once again test augmented reality glasses in public}
Source: CNBC

Hidden code found in the Google app for Android reveals references to “iris” and launching Google Assistant with a tap on the right temple, hinting at the development of AI-powered AR glasses. Interestingly, “Project Iris” was the codename for a pair of AR glasses briefly showcased at Google I/O in 2022. These glasses had the ability to translate foreign language dialog into text displayed in front of your eyes.

Uncertain Future

Despite the promising demo, details about these AR glasses have been scarce since then. In fact, a report in June suggested that the project had been shelved. However, the recent discovery of the hidden code indicates that Google may be revisiting the idea.

Potential Features

While information about the capabilities of these AR glasses is limited, it is likely that they would offer more than just instant translation. Considering the capabilities of Google Assistant, the glasses could potentially provide a wide range of features. This could make them a powerful tool for various tasks beyond language translation.

The Ongoing AR Market

Although Google has been relatively quiet about its AR glasses since the discontinuation of Google Glass Enterprise, the AR market continues to evolve. Competitors like Samsung and Apple are also working on their own AR glasses and headsets, indicating the demand for such devices.


{Google will once again test augmented reality glasses in public}
Source: CNBC

While the details about Google’s new AR glasses remain uncertain, the discovery of hidden code suggests that the project might be back on track. With the potential to offer advanced features and compete in the growing AR market, Google’s AR glasses could be an exciting addition to the tech world.



GoogleAR glassestechnologywearable devicesaugmented reality

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